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Picture Book Lisa F Picture Book Lisa F

Book Birthday!

Illustration from picture book "Kate, Who Tamed The Wind."

Illustration from picture book "Kate, Who Tamed The Wind."

Post by Lisa

Today is the book birthday for Kate, Who Tamed The Wind! Welcome to the world!

It's a fun book about a little girl who befriends a neighbor and figures out an ingenious way to temper the winds atop the steep hill where he lived. Written by amazing kidlit writer Liz Garton Scanlon.

Here's some art from the book:


Windy Illustration from Kate picture book.jpeg
Hill Illustration from Kate.jpeg
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Picture Book Lisa F Picture Book Lisa F

Fresh batch of books!

Post by Lisa

Just got a big box of Lee's latest picture book, Kate, Who Tamed The Wind!

It's all about a little girl who befriends a neighbor and figures out an ingenious way to temper the winds atop the steep hill where he lived. Written by amazing kidlit writer Liz Garton Scanlon.

The story reminds me a bit of when we lived in Corbett, where gale force winds routinely buffeted the surrounding hills. We lived in a little house tucked down in a protected hully gully, but there were parts of town where the winds could get up past 100 mph!

Anyway, it's a lovely story, especially for all the tree lovers out there 😀 It's due out Feb. 6!


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Picture Book Lisa F Picture Book Lisa F

New picture book coming out soon!

We just love getting shiny packages in the mail!

We just love getting shiny packages in the mail!

Post by Lisa

Just got an advance copy of the new picture book Lee illustrated, Kate, Who Tamed The Wind! It's so fun to see the book in its final form, after months and months of edits and revisions 😀

It's a lovely book about a girl comes up with a plan to tame the wind by harnessing the power of trees. Written by award-winning author Liz Garton Scanlon.

It's due out in stores on 2/6/18.

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Picture Book Lisa F Picture Book Lisa F

Great review from Publishers Weekly!

Art from Love, Santa, the new picture book Lee illustrated.

Art from Love, Santa, the new picture book Lee illustrated.

Post by Lisa

A bit of good news in all this gloom 😀

Love, Santa, which Lee illustrated, got a great review from Publishers Weekly! It's a really beautiful story, so it's nice to see it get some love.

It's all about how a girl comes to learn the truth behind Santa, and how she carries on the spirit of Christmas. We will definitely read it to our little guy when he is a little older and ready to know that Santa is bigger than any one person 😉

It's written by the amazingly-talented Martha Brockenbrough, a Seattlite who has written a whole lot of books for young readers.

It's due out on 9/26!

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