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Lee's fancy art book!
Post by Lisa
Lee's fancy art book has arrived! Woohoo! Apparently there are 2,000 of them sitting in a warehouse somewhere in Portland 😀
Of course, we are not actually in Portland at the moment, but we shall commence shipping as soon as we get back next week! Thanks to all who supported his Kickstarter campaign!
The Making Of A Painting
A look at how Lee creates an image, "ugly sketches" and all 😀
Post by Lisa
Here's a peek at Lee's process for making this image, which was commissioned for the upcoming Salem Art Fair & Festival. As you can see, it goes through many stages before it becomes a finished piece!
First he starts with what he calls "ugly sketches" just to brainstorm different layouts and ideas. Then comes refining of individual components, such as color and character. Then he does several practice versions, before the final painting begins.
The inspiration for the image is based on the ornery old owl who was known to attack joggers in Bush's Pasture Park, where the art festival is held. He imagined an owl whisperer of sorts, who could sooth the owls to sleep with a lullaby.
The art festival is this Friday 7/21, Saturday 7/22 and Sunday 7/23. Lee will be at Booth 182, come by and say hi!
Proofs for Lee's art book
Post by Lisa
Just got the proofs for Lee's art book! We are busy combing through them looking for typos and other random blunders, like extra spaces and weird formatting. Even though we triple-checked the dummy before sending it to the printer in the first place, we are still finding sneaky little mistakes here and there.
For those unfamiliar with how books are made, you first make a digital version of the book called a "dummy" and send it to the printer. They send back a paper version called a "proof," which you need to check for any mistakes. Then the final printing can begin.
The proofs are for the book that Lee got funded on Kickstarter in Fall 2016. The book showcases all Lee's artwork from the last six years or so. Some of the work he did for children's books and such, but most he did just for fun : )
It's so awesome to flip through the pages and get a feel for what the book will look like. We are hoping to get all the books sometime in the next month, which we will ship right away. For those who missed the Kickstarter campaign, we will have copies for sale in Lee's shop. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!